The decision to animate Gilbert Shelton's Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in stop-motion is perfect. Shelton's art on Freak Brothers is lots of hatching and line and obsessive detail of the cruddy details of the real-world and even super-expensive animation wouldn't be able to replicate it and casting a movie with real-life actors would be fun and maybe even successful, it'd end up having little to do with the original comic. Stop-motion, besides just almost always being awesome, fits the other-wordly quality of the comic and allows for it to be comic-booky but realistic too. Check out this still and you'll see all the water-damage, trash on the floor, paint-peeling reality that could've been.If you look in the background, you'll see a person--I think it's Shelton actually--peeking through the door at 3-D versions of his creations and in the teaser clip above, there's some really weird like meta stuff, like the guy peaking up from under the road as Fat Freddy's Cat looks around, and the end...who knows if the plot is some weird our reality/their reality claymation head-trip (let's hope it is) but it says "Copyright 2006" and although awesome animation like this probably takes forever, maybe this project hasn't been dead-ed, but there's not really any info on it since this initial teaser. decision to animate Gilbert Shelton's Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in stop-motion is perfect. Shelton's art on Freak Brothers is lots of hatching and line and obsessive detail of the cruddy details of the real-world and even super-expensive animation wouldn't be able to replicate it and casting a movie with real-life actors would be fun and maybe even successful, it'd end up having little to do with the original comic. Stop-motion, besides just almost always being awesome, fits the other-wordly quality of the comic and allows for it to be comic-booky but realistic too. Check out this still and you'll see all the water-damage, trash on the floor, paint-peeling reality that could've been.If you look in the background, you'll see a person--I think it's Shelton actually--peeking through the door at 3-D versions of his creations and in the teaser clip above, there's some really weird like meta stuff, like the guy peaking up from under the road as Fat Freddy's Cat looks around, and the end...who knows if the plot is some weird our reality/their reality claymation head-trip (let's hope it is) but it says "Copyright 2006" and although awesome animation like this probably takes forever, maybe this project hasn't been dead-ed, but there's not really any info on it since this initial teaser.
vous connaissez ça? effets spéciaux pas si ringards... et de l'humour qui se pête la gueule avant même de s'être pris les pieds dedans..très drôle... :)
J'aimais bien cette bd quand j'étais gosse, c'est déjà sorti ?
Citation de: "Staross"J'aimais bien cette bd quand j'étais gosse, c'est déjà sorti ?Bin non, justement... il semble bien que ça soit pas prêt de sortir.
Pour quelles raisons ?
Une série en forme de bon gros beignet bien rempli de bon jus sucré de morale chrétienne à l' américaine. Trop de blablas inutiles et pas assez de zombies et c' est dommage car les maquillages sont très bons.Putain et le héros c' est un ... FLIC, bravo les gars ça c' est une idée qu' elle est super originale.Après tout est bien à sa place, les policiers sont héroiques, les négros sont de service et les femmes font la lessive. Le scénariste rentrant chez lui après une dure journée de brainstorming