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Sujets - tzii

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C'est en anglais désolé, la flemme de faire une version FR

To celebrate the 20th birthday of Night On Earth, a compilation is out now on multi-format


It features 36 artists across 3 continents and several generations of music freaks ...
29 tracks by, in that order: Refrigerator Mothers, Sikhara, Catherine Danger, Thar Mapsal Program, Microloop, Indra Menus, Tzii, Officium, NuR, Johnny haway, Contagious Orgasm, Paul Gremare, Dissonant, Catastrophic Mermaids On Parade, Perchten Scylla, Cham, Venimeuses, Flutwacht featuring Le Fensch Industrial Orchestra, Excess Of Fat, Jealousy Party, Rinus Van Alebeek, Moineau Écarlate, Gamaboy, SS Mylitta, Âme De Boue, Ripit, The Radar Threat, Solar Skeletons, The Masters Musicians Of Hop-Frog

artwork/silkscreen by Thomas Perrodin
mastering/cut by Angström Mastering

available in 7 different formats with slightly different tracklists:

1. FULL BUNDLE: 2 x LP Vinyl + Tape C100 + Tziibasco 100ml + N.O.E. "FAYA" hot sauce 100ml + silkscreen + download
2. 2 x LP vinyl + silkscreen + download
3. TAPE C100 (w/ extra tracks) + download
4. 2 x LP vinyl + Tape C100 + Silkscreen + Download
5. 2 x LP vinyl + Tziibasco 100ml + N.O.E. "FAYA" hot sauce 100ml + silkscreen + download
6. Tape C100 + Tziibasco 100ml + N.O.E. "FAYA" hot sauce 100ml + silkscreen + download
7. Download only

All sauces are homemade, 100% organic, vegan and from home fermentation
UPDATE --> hot sauces are sold-out / next batch in June (maybe)!

you can listen and chose your formula here: https://noe23.bandcamp.com/.../20-years-of-night-on-earth...
Please DON'T order through bandcamp but by writing to tzii @ v-atak . com with your adress and I will update you with total costs including shipping

For those who want « only » the vinyls it’s preferable that you order it here: http://www.toolboxrecords.com/.../indu.../night-on-earth-10/

and it is physically available in those record shops:


Toolbox Records
30 Rue St Ambroise
75011 Paris


Praxis Shop
--> physical pick-up possibilities


Balades Sonores
55 rue St Ghislain
1000 Brussels

Crevette Records
Rue Blaes 146
1000 Brussels


Blind Spot
36, rue Poullain Duparc
35000 Rennes



.... deviantly yours ......

Chouilles / Tzii + Sacrifice Seul // Quai de Bourbon Paris 05/03/20
« le: mars 02, 2020, 18:20:57 pm »
salut bonjour
Ce jeudi 5 mars au quai de Bourbon sur l'ile saint-louis:

de la part des orgas:

Très heureux de vous inviter au concert du vidaste et musicien belge Tzii, tout juste revenu d'une tournée indonésienne que l'on a suivi de près. Il sera suivi du live de Sacrifice Seul, sorti spécialement de sa tanière (cf son site) pour nous faire vrombir notre cave qui n'en demandait pas tant..


Since the 90’s Tzii , music composer and filmmaker, spreads his frequencies all over the world through touring from Eastern and Western Europe to Australia, passing by USA, South-East Asia, Canada, Japan, Indonesia and Africa, where he played hundreds of shows. “A mountain of multiple figures” as defined by Nyx … His main aim is to reach transcendance through sound trance. To do so he explores infinite different worlds and expressions, from music to performance or collective creations. One thing always remains in his works : they’re impossible to fit in any box. He works also for dance companies, living performances, movie soundtracks and any other mediums including sound ….. He collaborated on stage or in studio with numerous other fellow musicians around the world and is currently engaged in a never ending world tour …..


URSSS.com Live : https://www.ursss.com/2016/11/tzii/


SACRIFICE SEUL C’est une improvisation live d’une durée indéfinie. Une techno garage née dans une grotte humide. La rencontre entre un tas de bazar électronique, un fer à souder et un séquenceur.


 🗯 Pratique 🗯
Participation au CHOIX entre :
6€ start
8€ normal
10€ soutien
Préventes : TBA
(Bar du RDC en accès libre)
Quai de Bourbon
Île Saint-Louis, 1 quai de Bourbon 75004 Paris
Métro Ligne 7 Pont Marie ou Ligne 1 Saint Paul
Ouvert entre 18h et 02h du mardi au samedi
Début des concerts vers 20h30
Pinte 6€ / Cocktails maison / Vins Naturels / Planches bien garnies etc.
Inscription Newsletter : http://eepurl.com/gJQpTP
Rentrez en Kapten avec le code promo BOURBON (-50% sur les
2 premières courses pour chaque nouvel utilisateur, dans la
limite de 10€ par course)
Contact programmation : prog.quaidebourbon@gmail.com

Les nouveautés de la musique libre / Aftermaths 2: The Noise in Indonesia
« le: février 06, 2019, 10:00:38 am »
fundraising suite au tsunami/tremblement de terre à Palu en indonésie
j'y ai joué l'année dernière et ils étaient déjà bien dans la merde avant alors là du coup .... dur dur
un endroit assez isolé sur l'ile de Sulawesi

presentation de la part du label:

This second entry in the Aftermaths series showcases noise, synth, improv, and gamelan music by musicians either living in, from, or significantly connected to Indonesia. This is a fundraiser for disaster relief following the earthquake and tsunami that hit Palu last September. The artist Ayam Kaili was directly affected by the earthquake and tsunami in September, and it took a few days before other folks in the scene heard from him. Thank god he's alright.

Aftermaths seeks to illuminate exciting music scenes in the name raising awareness and funds for climate disaster recovery.

Proceeds from this compilation will be donated to Helping Hand for Relief and Development's Indonesia Relief Fund.

To read more about this project, visit:

To read more about Groove Cafe, visit:
released February 6, 2019

Compiled by Sean Stellfox and Mike Sugarman.
Mastered by Angel Marcloid.

Special thanks to Jonathan Adams, who graciously supplied tracks from his Insitu Records label for this compilation, and J. Guy Laughlin.

Tracks 2, 7, 10, 11, 15, 17, 20, 21, 27 appear courtesy of Insitu Records.

ET LE LIEN: https://groovecafe.bandcamp.com/album/aftermaths-2-the-noise-in-indonesia

Hein? Pourquoi?

« le: avril 10, 2018, 17:36:47 pm »

Les nouveautés de la musique libre / Tzii "A Shot In The Dark" - C30
« le: avril 10, 2018, 17:21:40 pm »
nouvel album, dispo sur Tiny Speaker, label sarde basé à Cagliari

voici le lien: https://tinyspeaker.bandcamp.com/album/a-shot-in-the-dark

Les yeux / nouvelle video nouvelle track: FREEDOM FIGHTERS
« le: juin 09, 2014, 13:36:24 pm »

ça fait longtemps que je ne suis pas passé par ici
une nouvelle video à l'occasion d'une nouvelle track également

filmé à Bruxelles entre autre devant le parlement européen pendant les jours suivant les élections européennes, plus particulièrement le mercredi 28 Mai quand cette chère Marine s'est rendu à ce parlement pour y rencontrer divers leaders d'extrême droite....

Mais le texte a été écrit, et la chanson enregistrée, les jours précédant les élections .....

le texte que voici:

The air is calling to the fire
Confusion follows
Collapse is imminent
The horizon has finally been abolished
Step to the block, erase any trace, outrun yourself
Life is cheap, see straight, turn the fear on
Penetrate the flesh of the numb spirit
Deliberate sabotages
of all your pleasures
of all your fixed desires
Turn a blind eye, nothing moves, guns go off
Take no prisoners
Take from the rich and give it to the convicts
in the night of space
The derelicts, the drug addicted
the sentimentally afflicted
in the alley's mouth
An army of drunken running the asylum
Midnight sabotages
at this twisted dinner party
at the storming of the world
Hundreds of the homeless and hardened
washed up to these shores
A fleet of block-long ocean-going hooligans
adrenaline-boosting high-tech cattle
Local vigilante groups
too strange to each other for misunderstanding
What are you waiting for?
I know you're all Freedom Fighters
screaming in the void
working overtime
Shoot something
Raids, lootings, drive-by shootings
Weak pounded revolt!
Such little time left
Empty caves, ruins, collapsed highway bridges
Rolling waves
eating these empty shores
Places you can't remember
not knowing what you came for
Sick daydreams of dust, dirt
sick daydreams
consumed by either fire or fire
What are you waiting for?
I know you're all Freedom Fighters
screaming in the void
working overtime
I know you're all Freedom Fighters
screaming in the void
What are you waiting for?
Time is sinister nuisance
so what are you waiting for?
I know you're all Freedom Fighters
screaming in the void
working overtime
Life is cheap, see straight, turn the fear on
Midnight sabotages
of all your desires
of all your fixed pleasures
What are you waiting for?
i know you're all Freedom Fighters
Take no prisoners
take from the rich and give it to the convicts
in this night of space
The derelicts, in the night of space
Life is cheap
See straight

la video:

Bien à vous!!!

Chouilles / 12/12/13 - Night On Earth & (T)reue um (T)reue
« le: octobre 28, 2013, 12:06:28 pm »

Night On Earth Records and (T)reue Um (T)reue
present 4 live acts:

1997EV (IT - Treue Um Treue, Punch Records)

SPETTRO FAMILY (IT - Treue Um Treue, Vade Retro, Black Horizons)

TZII (BE/SW - Treue Um Treue, Night On Earth)

NIEDOWIERZANIE (FR - Treue Um Treue, Obscene Et Anemique)

+ DJ MUFFIN (changeovers and aftershow...)


1997 EV - Sonic mantras from Sardinia


SPETTRO FAMILY - Horror Electronics

Spettro Family began in 2008 in Italy. The enigmatic figure at the head has been living in a presumably haunted house all his life. Perhaps this is why he creates truly haunting music, both bringing back to life the magic of Goblin’s giallo/zombie flick soundtracks, and channeling the spirits of the big synth-worshipping Italian post-industrialists. Releases on Tut/Rur , Brave Mysteries, Edgr, Vade Retro, Black Horizons, Electric Voice Records and forthcoming on Prison Tatt Records.

TZII - Roadtrip through the abyss

A mountain of multiple figures...
Since 1996 Tzii, music composer and filmmaker, spreads his magickal frequencies all over the world through touring from Eastern and Western Europe to Australia, passing by USA, Canada, Japan and Africa, where he played hundreds of shows..…he works also for dance companies, living performances, movie soundtracks and any other mediums with sound inside…..
For this tour he will be accompanied by Liina Nilson, a swedish artist actually based in Berlin also known under the moniker NYX ...


NIEDOWIERZANIE - Mediterranean lament

The complex compositions using a variety of acoustic instruments and digital effects still tell us of faraway places, conjuring vivid pictures of south-American landscapes, Mediterranean balconies and eastern harbours. But it has also become more accessible, leaving behind the long experimental pieces and turning instead to shorter, more rhythmic, even danceable songs full of Bohemian romanticism and Mediterranean flair. Dreamy, lazily swaying ballads alternate with somber pieces like funeral marches in the heat and dust of a summer evening, revealing sudden pangs of unease and anguish behind the flowing southern nonchalance.


1997EV - sharks and fishes luminous unknown
Spettro Family - Brasov black biserică
TZII live @ Trasponsonic Fest
NIEDOWIERZANIE - Live extract Disco Kaos

(Treue Um Treue - DE/FR)

before and aftershow DJ's:

DJ INSULTOR (Staalplaat, Le Petit Mignon - DE/FR)


9pm - Free Entrance

NIEDOWIERZANIE...The complex compositions using a variety of acoustic instruments and digital effects still tell us of faraway places, conjuring vivid pictures of south-American landscapes, Mediterranean balconies and eastern harbours. But it has also become more accessible, leaving behind the long experimental pieces and turning instead to shorter, more rhythmic, even danceable songs full of Bohemian romanticism and Mediterranean flair. Dreamy, lazily swaying ballads alternate with somber pieces like funeral marches in the heat and dust of a summer evening, revealing sudden pangs of unease and anguish behind the flowing southern nonchalance. With “Attendre”, Niedowierzanie delivers a masterpiece of Post-Mediterranea worthy of such legends as Novy Svet or Mushroom’s Patience.

INSULTOR is not DJ Insultor who you know for fucking up French chansons and Balkan pop and Japanese tearjerkers all at the same time. Insultor might come and fuck up French chansons, Balkan pop and Japanese tearjerkers; it is very much probable. But he will also define the watershed. Those who’ll stay are our friends. Those who’ll leave are the followers of fashion who don’t have a clue about nothing, well, maybe about where to show up and how to connect to fffrrrriieeennddss, but in fact it is them who get fucked up by Insultor. Wodka/Juice fan. Ultra Hard Core.

DJ DIVORCE EXPRESS is also know as DJ N.A.F. ..... he found his name while touring in Castelnaudary, south of france and home of the famous cassoulet!!

Chouilles / 14/09/13 - FLESH FACTORY FESTIVAL III !!!
« le: août 18, 2013, 12:26:37 pm »
yeah venez tous on vous attend!!!

3 scènes + une cathédrale + un ring (avec de vrais clubs de catch dessus) + des perfs + du body building + expo + installs videos peep show + VOUS!!!
+ de 60 artistes.....
à partir de 17h00 jusqu'au lendemain matin! 5 minutes à pied de la gare de Marchienne-Au-Pont


"God gave me a great body and it's my duty to take care of my physical temple" JCVD

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!"
The Flesh Factory Festival is a celebration of underground music & art, that occurs every two years. From dusk til dawn (& even later), the Rockerill, a former factory renovated into an arts center, will gather dozens of bands, DJ’s, artists, performers.

This year’s edition (14 september 2013) is called “Let’s Get Physical !" (expect some sweat, wrestling, muscles, and sexy dance)



Line up:
Den Haan
Company Fuck
Noir Boy Georges
Princess Tweedle Needle & Roc Roc It
OKC Collectief
Felix Fujikkkoon
Klaus Womb And Penny Super Pony Strip
TG Gondard
Les Planches À Roulettes Russes
2606° Fahrenheit
Illustration Sonore
Franck / Van Gulick
Sound oF Mars
Dirty Monitor
DJ Laser Love
DJ Kabeljau Mechanische
Frau Karl Iceberg
Aline Alien
Carol Ozoo

Chouilles / 23/03/13 - N.O.E. rec : Magdalena Solis + ADeMuRu + Tzii
« le: mars 22, 2013, 11:02:36 am »

Magdalena Solis are a two-piece sonic and visual outfit based in Brussels. It all started as a movie project. Sounds created for a short film quickly caught the attention of a few underground labels. A debut EP “Lady of the Wild Things” was released in 2010, followed by a first full length “Hesperia” in 2011. Magdalena Solis also create their own videos and play live with a projection of their visual works.

Smoldering slow build space drone epics, the sound constantly shifting from tranquil and dreamlike, to blown out and druggy/droney and way tripped out, heady and hypnotic and easily some of the best kaleidoscopic kosmische space/drone/psych we've heard.
- Aquarius Records

This is extremely hypnotic and freaky stuff that will mess up your head with fear and ancient, secret psychedelics! When you put this on in some suitably remote location on a dark winter night under powerful magic potion there will be no return to the normal anymore…
- Psychotropic Zone



L'Atelier De Musique Rurale (ADeMuRu)

The rural music workshop of Flavien and Jérôme will guide you to sonic lands in which shall interlace field recording, nature and electronic textures.

Jérôme Mabille (Dropthedyle) produces a cinematic music all in contrasts between electronic ambiances and abrasive textures. Connoisseur of field recording, he integrates acoustic daily elements in what he coins his sonic bricolages.
Longtime expert in field recording and focused on relationships between places, voice and memory, Flavien Gillié reworks his recordings and conceives soundscapes that he presents either as concerts or installations.


Tzii (DJ set)

your host for the night....this time a fine vinyl selection of ritualistic deviant sounds.....and maybe something else...who knows? constant change is the only way forward!
...."Thee process is thee product".....


« le: janvier 30, 2013, 22:39:58 pm »
Les Californiens de Savage Republic seront de retour en Europe en février 2013.
Leur périple les conduira à Tournai le 15 février pour une soirée en compagnie des Bruxellois de SOLAR SKELETONS et des Allemands de ZHOD…
Issu de la scène underground de Los Angeles du début des années 80,  Savage Republic s’est forgé une solide réputation forte de cinq albums studio envoûtants et d’une succession de performances live légendaires. En constante évolution, leur marque de fabrique constituée de  prestations rituelles tribales a élargi les limites du post-punk, de la musique industrielle et des bandes sons en incorporant  grondements de basse, percussions métalliques exotiques, chant primal, mélodies du Moyen-Orient et même une touche de guitare surf. Si on ajoute à cela une forte identité visuelle et iconographique basée sur les graphismes réalisés par le membre fondateur Bruce Leicher,  Savage Republic s’affirme alors comme l’un des groupes expérimentaux les plus excitants et les plus puissants qui ait émergé en quelque lieu ou quelque endroit durant ces trois dernières décennies.
Cette nouvelle tournée fait suite à leur dernier album en date « Varkarios » enregistré en Grèce durant les émeutes de février 2012.
La formation sera la même que celle existant depuis 2009 à savoir le guitariste/bassiste Kerry Dowling et le batteur Alan Waddington autour des deux piliers du groupe Thom Fuhrmann et Ethan Port.
Attendez vous à un très long set de leur part couvrant l’ensemble de leur discographie…
Avec la participation exclusive de Blaine L Reininger/Tuxedomoon. .
Date unique pour le Nord de la France, la Belgique et les Pays-Bas….


Interview/discographie exhaustive: :
Biographie complete (en anglais):

- ZHOD Zentralheizung of Death des Todes (de)

- SOLAR SKELETONS (Sun) – Astral NHL Transmission.

Solar Skeletons - All Obey The Sun (unreleased)

Soirée organisée en collaboration avec le Water Moulin, 207 Boulevard Eisenhower, Tournai Belgique.

Face Book Page :

Quelques liens vers des videos de leur dernière tournée :
Savage Republic - Trek (Live @ Athens Greece - Anclub 17/Feb/2012)
Savage Republic - Procession (Live @ Athens Greece - Anclub 17/Feb/2012)
Savage Republic ft. Blaine Reininger -1- (Live @ Athens Greece - Anclub 17/Feb/2012)

Les yeux / video: OVO "La Bestia"
« le: décembre 23, 2012, 16:53:21 pm »
je viens de faire le dernier clip d'OVO
vient d'être mis en ligne sur TERRORIZER

voici: http://www.terrorizer.com/2012/12/21/ovo-premier-new-video/

avis bienvenus  smiley23

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