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Sujets - tzii

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« le: décembre 23, 2011, 19:07:40 pm »
If you feel lonely on this magic christian day, listen to the despaired songs selected by Clara Bow & Tzii. And do not forget: you're not alone in this world......

8:30 pm

Ovnis / street art utopia
« le: décembre 22, 2011, 21:14:12 pm »
bah dis donc y'en a quand même vraiment des super!!


Chouilles / 15/12/11 - MORAL PANIC #02 @ LE KLUB (Paris)
« le: décembre 02, 2011, 14:39:46 pm »

Chouilles / 04/11/11 - QU'EST CE QU'ON S'AMUSE!!! @ 123 (bxl)
« le: octobre 25, 2011, 22:38:37 pm »

Chouilles / 03/11/11 - RECHUTE #01 @ THE STUDENT
« le: octobre 25, 2011, 22:37:12 pm »

Chouilles / 29/10/10 - HALLOWEEN SQUATT PARTY @ Amsterdam
« le: octobre 25, 2011, 22:36:02 pm »

Chouilles / 27/10/11 - KOONDA HOLAA / O.S.S. / JOHN MAKAY / TZII
« le: octobre 25, 2011, 22:32:50 pm »

Flipper damaged, bass bin-busting bad-assery you really need !!!!!!!

Ugly bass and skull splitting drums broken up by songs of corner prostitutes, foreign language radio, and Burger King freebie toys. Kinda like the retard bus in a head-on with a pimpmobile full of cocaine. Retards stumbling around jacked on coke. Mean, confused, and horny, clogging the intersections and humping fire hydrants. Screaming and angry … lustful and confusing … with the booming bass tubes from a wrecked and pimped-out Caddy spitting out rude bearded bass and double-jointed booty drums.

Olneyville sound system -senior cadre on LOAD Records will be joined after their regular set by

KOONDA HOLAA -- a one man band,
a Mojave California desert rat
who fattens up his diet of sun half of the year in EU
His current sound has been branded mystic -psychedelic western / noir amerikana
but it may well be world music from a world that does not yet exists.
Sounds like musings of a man with three bullets left and long ways to go.
Songs about time spent living in cars and in self imposed exiles of his pornographic past - actually another faze of his long musical career. Dropping his electronics his vehicle while traveling the dusty trails with his own (now defunct) Pseudo Pseudo and paying his dues
with the Residents, Exene Cervenka of the X, Lydia Lunch, Steve Mackay and Mike Watt- the sax and bass man behind IGGY POP & the Stooges, Uz Jsme Doma, Marshall Allen, Otto Von Schirach, Slymenstra of GWAR and countless other projects that goes back to the mid 80' Koonda recent sound is dark heavy flow at the end of the month orchestrated with a looper and crowned with lyrics whose comedy redeems the darkness of its own messenger

Not counting scars - he try's to find humour in a world rich on humans, but greedy with human touch.
And the music -well: i just wanna know what time you getting of work iz what I wanna know iz !!!!!

Listen to the latest release :"10 acres of the finest sand" here:

JOHN MAKAY french guit/drums duo playfull take on math rock continues the tradition of clever invention and bold spirit of Picardie (think JULES VERNE) . there is hell lot of a soul in the mix which makes the technical perfection and syncopations just a part of something much greater .-a spirit elevator with the cute bell boys servin you ear mana on the way up . Just dont forget to hold on to yourself allright !?

I am proud to announce the latest test results from "Large Hadron Particle Collider "

please check this first : http://youtu.be/W1u9OaNaWkU
OSS / usa - senior cadre on load records www.loadrecords.com/bands/oss.html
Olneyville Sound System
-leathal underprivilidged orphan on barlamuerte/toolbox records/
free mp3 :http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Koonda_Holaa/10_Acres_of_the_Finest_Sand/
video's I Came to this Country
Koonda Holaa - Live at Kobo Shop 21-10-09
Rush Improbable.flv
koonda holaa au sans plomb

JOHN MAKAY/ fr 3 000 years of civilization finaly channeled thru an amp
free mp3 :
http://dl.free.fr/h23kAUyNX (john makay free mp3) ,
John Makay- Bold as John (cannibal caniche, Berlin 2010)HD.wmv
John Makay- Lymphocyte Intrusion (cannibal caniche, Berlin 2010)2.wmv
John Makay

Chouilles / 03/11/11 - RECHUTE#1 : DECAPITATED HED + R.O.T. + TZII
« le: octobre 20, 2011, 11:23:41 am »

"Snarling, mechanised low-range bass-pulsations that instantly transform the dancefloor into a warzone."

R.O.T (Brussels, BE)
"Belgium free improv/psych/noise troupe.."

TZII (Brussels, BE)
"Invisible humans soundtrack"

Lieu : The Student
Adresse : Rue des Palais 76 - 1030 Bruxelles (Tram 94, stop Lefrancq)

Chouilles / 14/10/11 - BODY FARM FEST. Chapter II
« le: octobre 14, 2011, 09:39:39 am »
ce soir le BODY FARM FESTIVAL Chapter II se déroulera au BOTANIQUE (Orangerie) ià Bruxelles (BE), à l'occasion du 30° anniversaire de PARADE GROUND

6 liveacts and 2 DJ sets:

PARADE GROUND = The mysterious brothers from light, esthetic of nausea

Parade Ground - Stutter

UNDERVIEWER = P.Codenys (Front 242) + J.L. De Meyer (Front 242), their first project before Front 242, for the first time on stage since 30 years

Under Viewer - Trouble (1981)

NOTHING BUT NOISE = Dirk Bergen (ex-Front 242) + Daniel B. (Front 242) + Erwin Jadot = first time on stage EVER

DIVE = Dirk Ivens

TZII = Chaos & deviancy to guide you into an abusive spiral, leading you to an impossible redemption.....in a never-ending quest for invisible humans

Tzii - Humans

MORPHEUS SECRETS = new band project by Samy Birnbach aka DJ Morpheus (ex-minimal compact)


Afterparty dj's: DJ BORG (Body Beats) and Dj H8red & Dj Pikaert (Duister Gefluister)

start at 8 p.m sharp: every infos: http://www.botanique.be/activite/body-farm-festival-14102011

Les yeux / SOLAR SKELETONS "Mr Saler" videoclip
« le: octobre 02, 2011, 11:39:11 am »
j'ai comme l'impression qu'il n'a jamais été posté sur CC
tourné en 2009

Solar Skeletons - Mr Saler

Chouilles / 02/09 - DUFLAN DUFLAN + ALEK & LES JAPONAISES - DNA (bxl)
« le: août 29, 2011, 08:54:36 am »
nouveau set nouveaux costumes


Night On Earth Records present three liveacts from Sweden and Switzerland to enter the void.....

B°TONG (ch)

borgval 14
1000 bxl




Benny «b9» Braaten has been active as a musician almost all his life starting with Violin 7 years old.
In 1994 he was introduced to Mr Tore H.Boe, founder of the Origami Republika collective.
Both of them releasing tapes in limited handmade editions and beeing into so called strange music they got along well and ended up playing their first concert together that same night.
This led to 4 years of working together as Origami Arktika playing 40 shows and releasing 15 audio products.Origami Galaktika first saw the light during Christmas 1994 when Benny in cooperation with younger brother Kjell Øyvind recorded what was to become the first lp “Stjernevandring”.
The sound of a quiet place in central Europe, a car in an Egyptian desert, a gong in an Italian yoga center. Imagination is the only limit.
An evening with Origami Galaktika is an evening of mainly organic sounds, as field recordings and lots of different acoustic instruments, electronically performed /reproduced through samplers and a variety of small things that create sound.



Chris Sigdell is an experimental electronic musician. He developed a soft spot for early industrial textures and pioneering ambient soundscapes while cutting his teeth in cult industrial band NID (1995-2005).
A mysterious and shadowy figure he has ended up assembling sounds of such chilling creepiness that it makes Aphex Twin’s Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 sound like a collection of sugar-coated lullabies. The sound of b°tong feels a lot like an agonizingly slow crawl through a dark tunnel where the dim light at the other end never gets closer.
b°tong builds an interesting body of work that moves in various directions at the same time. From dealings with ambient and isolationism on one hand and experimental music, ranging from the soft microsound end to the more engaging noise end, in a clever combination of ideas…
Since 2005 b°tong has played over 100 concerts in Europe and North America. He has appeared at festivals such as Ausklang, Sinus Series, Shift, Lab 30, and released 10 albums of music on
labels like: Noecho Records (UK) andGears Of Sand (USA).



…is the solo project of Per Åhlund. He resides in Stockholm, Sweden where he’s involved in several experimental music-, improvisation- and sound art-projects.
With Diskrepant he explores the borders between sound and music, stillness and hysteria, darkness and light. He creates compositions on the verge of dissolving and focuses on atmosphere and texture rather than tonality and rhythm.
Diskrepant has released one split-CD and three full length albums with abstract, dark soundscapes. ‘Folie à Deux’, ‘33-12’ and ‘Into Sleep’ was released by Swedish record label Fin De Siecle Media.
In 2009 ‘Ex Machina Libertas’ was released by English record label Fractured Spaces Records, an album that got a great reception from listeners and reviewers.


Chouilles / les aperos indus de l'été dans les forges!
« le: juillet 01, 2011, 16:54:56 pm »
tout les jeudis au rockerill pendant l'été

et le 21 juillet tombant un jeudi cette année, nous fêterons la fête nationale plate dans les forges avec solar skeletons en live, des dj endiablés, une expo des têtes de l'art et la projection de "l'impitoyable poursuite" un chef d'oeuvre du cinema belge contemporain.....


Chouilles / 26-27/08/11 - SCHLAGSTROM FESTIVAL
« le: juin 23, 2011, 09:55:25 am »
avec Faust, Red Sniper, Monolith, Solar Skeletons etc



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