Ce que je me mets > Les nouveautés de la musique libre

belsona strategic--foundation for mutant arts


Le site d'un artiste bien efficace avec pas ma de morceaux à télécharger :

http://www.belsona-strategic.com/TDFsounds.htm  smiley20



Ludmila de Hazebrouck:
C QUOI TON AVATAR PLAN9 ? On dirait le premier bassiste des Queens of the stone age ?  smiley17  smiley17

joel bats, jeune padawan

qqs nouvelles :


Here is another one of my irregular dispatches, related to the activities of Belsona Recordings and Editions Belsona Publishing. As always, if you don't wish to receive these mailings, please write back with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Without further ado, here is what is cooking at Belsona:

+++'Micro Bionic' book to appear on Creation Books- release date t.b.a.+++

After some deliberations, I have decided to accept the offer from Creation Books to publish the paperback edition of my book 'Micro Bionic: Radical Electronic Music and Sound Art in the 21st Century.' It seems like I will have a satisfying amount of control over the book's design (not to mention the book will be mostly unedited from its original form), and will have above-average distribution, meaning that if you were one of the people interviewed for this, you will at least have a chance to have your work discovered by quite a few new / curious readers.

This is fairly 'big news' for me, since I have been attempting to break into the publishing world for years. It is at least 3 times as expensive for me to self-publish as it is to self-release CDs on Belsona, and needless to say, not having to do that takes a huge weight off of my shoulders. My endless thanks to all of you who contributed, since your insights helped to transform an otherwise average-quality thesis statement into a truly unique investigation of a world that many never see (or hear, as the case would be).

Also, don't forget to stop by the MicroBionic blog if you haven't done so....there should be some more in-depth entries in the coming days.

+++upcoming Carsten Nicolai overview by Thomas B.W. Bailey in 'Rhizome' journal+++

Rhizome.org, at the 'New Museum' in NYC, has invited me to contribute a short piece about synesthesia, cymatics, and Carsten Nicolai's relation to both in his multi-media pieces. This is actually a small extract of the above-mentioned M.B. book, it should be online by August 6th.

+++new 'lycanthropic' sounds uploaded to Belsona site, new recordings in progress+++

I uploaded a much longer excerpt (11 minutes) of my 'Progressive Lycanthropy' exhibit from last year. This made heavy use of a 'feraliminal lycanthropizer' binaural drone in order to give it its unique hair-raising character. This replaces the short and not incredibly impressive excerpt that I had up earlier. The architecture-leveling, orchestrated adrenaline on this track should be much more suitable for getting your day off to a good start ;).

I hope to make the soundtrack for this exhibit one of the first Thomas Bey William Bailey releases (remember the Domestic Front moniker was retired last month, all further sound recordings will be released under my own name), although I am saving finances for a more varied, less thoroughly destructive full-length, "Natura Non Constritatur," to be the next Belsona release.

Now, however, if 'thoroughly destructive' and tempestuous sound IS your thing, please get in touch with me. I'd be more than happy to release this as part of a collaborative disc with a worthy partner, or as a full-length vinyl / CD on a label not my own.

As I usually say in these newsletters, the Belsona site is also getting less and less ugly as time goes by- by now most of the older texts have been cured of their horrible over-sized fonts and nauseating color schemes, I promise this site will be a much more pleasant browsing experience before too long.

That is all for now. Thanks much for your support, and don't hesitate to get in contact with me here>>>

Thomas Bey William Bailey


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