50 musical/visual sets, exhibitions and workshops representing labels and collectives Panoptic, |
......... MAGASIN 4 ......... |
......... NEPOMUK ......... |
......... LA PENICHE ELIANE * ......... |
...... Thursday 1/11/07 NEPOMUK ...... > Radical Edward (Hypoge - BE) ...... Saturday 3/11/07 LA PENICHE ...... > bobé van jézu (FAST - BE) |
> Drifting Bear Collective (Le Bonheur - BE) ........ Sunday 4/11/07 NEPOMUK ........ > Def (Spectre Rec - FR) |
........... Friday 2/11/07 NEPOMUK ...........
14h00 : Lemur (by Fabrice Moinet) http://www.jazzmutant.com/
Lemur is a midi controller with a beautifull graphical and tactile interface.
It's exclusive control mode allows you to play simultaneaously and easily many parameters with your fingers.
Totally modulable and compatible with most of avalaible audio/video software (native instruments protocol,...)
many musicians are now lemur owners (check Lemurized artists on our website)
Lemur has been conceived and made by a Bordeaux friend (Jazz Mutant society) ,
demo will be done by one of his collaborator living in Bruxelles.
15h00 : Circuit Bending (by Ambitek & Vendredi)
......... Saturday 3/11/07 NEPOMUK .........
14h00 : Elektronika (by RKO) http://aestesis.eu
Elektronika Live is the intuitive VJ software for visual performers. This powerful, modular software
will have you designing live visuals for your performances within minutes.
Create your own live video compositions using your Windows PC.
Just plug together modules from the list of over 30.
Elektronika Live is also a midi video station, designed for the needs of live
15h30 : Circuit Bending (by Ambitek & Vendredi)
........ Everyday at NEPOMUK .......
> Dawamesk
> Gorellaume
> Erroné
> Cybervaudou :
Records, Painting, DIY Art
afternoon & night at Nepomuk
: : RADIOS : :
> 25/10/07 23h00/... RADIO PANIK : radical edward vs the unstopabble freaky ethylic boy |