Ce que je me mets > Les nouveautés de la musique libre

nouveaux projet de peter christopherson

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en voila une bonne nouvelle!!!! peter christopherson (aka moitié de coil) et ivan pavlov (aka COH) qui se réunissent!!!!! wouloululoulou je sens que ça va etre bon.....gnnnnn

Peter Christopherson is very excited to announce he has convinced Ivan Pavlov to join his new duo, SoiSong.

Primarily located on the Eastern Pacific Rim, SOISONG will debut in Japan in March 2008, closely followed by Bangkok, and Singapore, but the band plans also to make some rare appearances in Europe during May June July.
They would also play in other regions of space late 2008 and into 2009, if invited by a serious institution.

The two-man show will combine Ivan's uncompromisingly-visceral computer based music with Sleazy's decadent, dark and whimsical approach to artificial vocals and 'South Seas' instrumentation...
The power and energy of Youth and the Russian Scientific Establishment
...with the filth, decay and corruption of English Maturity. ,-)

SOISONG has been brewing for months in the gloomy Soi's, or alley-ways, of Bangkok
- the world's most uninhibited Capitol city, where unlocked i-phones, hi-speed broadband, young brown flesh,
and indeed Life itself, all come cheap...
...Where the voices heard in the dark, across the heaving shanty towns, creaking over running sewers,
mingle the agonised cries of teenagers losing their virginity, with Revered Monks' dying Invocations...


SoiSong's first ep SOI-JIN-NO-HI
will be available for free download from www.thresholdhouse.com from March 2008,
and in a Collector's Specially Packaged edition, exclusively from the band at shows.
If any of this edition remain unsold when the following release appears, (likely an album in Fall 2008),
the remaining eps will be available by mail-order.


SOISONG rejects 95% of what you can hear now as banal and meaningless.

/...Not to be undertaken lightly.../

je precise que j'ai mis dans cette rubrique car il ya ecrit:

SoiSong's first ep SOI-JIN-NO-HI
will be available for free download from www.thresholdhouse.com

oulala génial !  j'ai hâte d'entendre ça !

ca promet!!

Le Cardinal Richelieu:
J'attendrai d'entendre avant de me réjouir, parce que ça fait un moment qu'il fait de la merdouille le Sleazy...  smiley18


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