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[ntt036] Antanas Jasenka - Sonic Machine


Dernière sortie sur Entity disponible :  Antanas Jasenka - Sonic Machine (experimental sounddesign melting pot).

Antanas Jasenka is a Lithuanian composer and sound artist who has been active in a plethora of musical purposes for over 20 years. "Sonic Machine" is a work that expands his sonic research concerning the Man and the Machine.
Antanas evokes a whole variety of different emotions through constant structural changes in sound and composition. In this context he does not shy away from infusing his music with ambient, abstract, rhythmic, glitch and at times even powerful noise influences. The strange, outworldly harmonics that float throughout this album are infective in their own unique way.
Lots of views, details and musical concepts are combined in such an unusual, "experimental" way that it may take some adaptation at first, but that should certainly not stop you from discovering the intrinsic beauty in this work.
Many thanks to Giedre Brazyte for the nice cover design.


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